Tell me a bit about yourself & what you do?
I'm a mum to two gorgeous nearly adult (18 & 21yo) kids that I'm extremely proud of.. I'm a self-professed crazy plant lady & crazy cat lady...
I'm also a Functional Nutritionist Clinician and Educator. I work in private practice, as clinical educator for Qiara Probiotics, and also founder of The First 1000 Days online Education program for Mums/Dads and Maternity Care Providers
What inspires you with your work?
Helping people. I love helping people.. I also love educating, empowering & inspiring.. I get to do that in all my roles, so my work is extremely rewarding..
Did you always see yourself in your current role and if you could do something completely different what would it be?
This is me - I love what I do - my current role has grown organically over time and I see that it will keep developing as I learn more about myself and how I can be more of service to my clients.. I wouldn't / couldn't do anything completely different ( I love this too much!) but I am going to incorporate more intuitive healing, coaching and bodywork into my private practice (sneak peak at what's coming in 2021!)
What are you most proud of?
My kids, my career.. (my plants & cats... lol - but true)
Who inspires you and why?
I get inspired by smart people, great educators & big thinkers. People thinking outside the square and creating change.. they make me want to do better, think bigger and create more good in the world..
What does wellbeing mean to you?
Holistic health - being well in body, mind and spirit. Waking up and feeling well rested, strong in body and feeling happy. Calm but 'tuned in' and excited for the day.. week.. year.. future. Big picture health & wellbeing..
What are your favourite ways to move your body?
Walking & hiking (massive fan of bush hikes & trails - and we have many beautiful walks close by). I also like functional body & weights training - although this year I haven't done much of that!
How do you stay motivated?
By keeping a focus on work life balance, continually learning new things (I'm a total nerd - I LOVE studying and learning!) & doing what I love.. makes it easy to get out of bed in the morning!
What does a day on your plate look like?
Depends on the day - weekends I try not to work at all - and I don't book work on a Monday if I can help it - so I can have a long weekend whenever I want (best system I ever put in place!) ..
But a usual work day is at my desk by 9am - a walk on the beach before (if it's a nice day), then either face to face or zoom consulting with clients (a combo of Nutrition & lifestyle medicine) - or clinical education via my role with Qiara probiotics - that might be webinars, developing new content, writing articles, answering tech questions, calling mums that are having issues etc..
I'm quite a fan of Intermittent Fasting - so I usually brunch about 10 or 11am (usually some kind of leftovers), break for lunch whenever I can between clients in the afternoon & always try to sit outside & get some fresh air (try NOT to eat at my desk - but to be honest I do sometimes!).. I try to make sure I finish by 5pm or 6pm at the latest & cook a healthy dinner for myself and kids.. Or I warm up leftovers - also a fan of big batch cooking.. SO much easier if I cbf cooking at the end of a busy day!
What do you do to relax and unwind?
Cup of tea & a book, meditate, walk on the beach or in the bush, share a glass of wine or bubbles & a meal (or just a chat) with friends or kids.. Potter around with and chat to my plants (told you I was a crazy plant lady!).. hang out with my cats &/or sausage dog .. I've got lots of unwind & relax tools!

Do you have a favourite book or podcast that you could share?
Fave podcast is definitely Lynda Griparic's Love & Guts - it's so awesome - she has amazing guests and she's a great interviewer.. Couldn't pick a favourite book (!) - I'm an avid reader and love many different genres & authors - although I'm a sucker for a good Nora Roberts &/or Lucinda Riley novel..
Do you have a favourite travel destination and if so why?
Anywhere new.. because i absolutely LOVE travel and adventure .. it can be a work road trip to regional victoria, a tropical island holiday in Qld or a 6 week trip to Europe - don't care - love them all, especially if it's somewhere to explore that I haven't been before!
What’s the best health advice you have ever received/ do you have a motto that you live by? It's all about balance! Applies to everything & also essentially the core of working with the microbiome!!
Do you have a healthy recipe that you would like to share?

I'm not really a 'baker' or even a 'recipe' type person - more of a 'ready steady cook' type (that's taking whatever you have in the fridge / cupboard and turning it into something healthy & delicious!).
I think this is the 'lost art of cooking' and what we should be teaching kids in school! (also how to grow the food)
My 'recipes' go like this;
> Take whatever veg you have & chop them to bake or stir fry or salad
> Add garlic, ginger, onion & herbs & spices to everything (lol - but I do!)
> Get some kind of protein and marinate it in the above - or cook and add fresh herbs / lemon juice / pan juices etc
Connect with Emma
Instagram: @emmaparknutritionist
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmmaParkNutritionist/