This salad recipe is super easy & its sweet and tangy dressing is a nice alternative to your usual wine vinegar or balsamic every day salad sauce. Never heard of freekeh? Well freekeh is wheat that has been picked when it is young and green, lightly roasted and dried giving it a slightly smoky flavour.
So what is good about it? Well freekeh contains more protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals than traditionally processed wheat, it is low GI and rich in prebiotic fibre- which as we known is important for gut health! Pair this salad with your protein of choice & swap freekeh with quinoa for a gluten alternative.
Ingredients (serves 1):
-handful of cooked freekeh
-100 grams of cherry tomatoes halved
-1/4 of a cos lettuce leaves sliced
-2 radish bulbs
-1/4 of a lebanese cucumber quartered and sliced thinly
-handful of hemp seeds
-handful of chopped fresh parsley
-handful of chopped fresh mint
-1/4 of an avocado chopped into small pieces
-half a lemon squeezed
-generous splash of olive oil
-dash of pomegranate molasses
-pinch of salt
Cook Freekeh according to packet instructions then let it cool
Chop up all ingredients (except hemp, avocado & dressing ingredients) & add to a bowl
In a separate bowl whisk together dressing ingredients & adjust to your taste preferences
Pour dressing over the salad & mix together adding the cold freekeh
Serve with protein of your choice (I love this with roast chicken especially) & chopped avocado
Optional: Sprinkle hemp seeds over your plate